Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Lunar Eclipse

Being the nerd that I am, I set my alarm for 5:45 this morning to see the eclipse. It was very cool. I tried to get a picture, but none of them turned out. I even got Logan out of bed early to see the eclipse. He was very unimpressed. He said "Yeah I see it" and went back inside. I guess I'm the only nerd in the family.


Steve said...

you should have called Steve, he did the same thing...bunch of nerds! :)

Dustin said...

Well, at least you tried. Amy and I were up anyway and went out and saw it too.

Anonymous said...

Helo James,

Ray and I were up also and saw the eclipse too, beautiful orange color. It didn't occur to me to try and take a picture. I will have to make do with the picture in my minds eye. It remined me of Halloween.
Nancy and Ray