We always check on our kids before we go to bed. This is how we found Logan last night. I asked him about it and he doesn't remember a thing. He normally calls us if he falls out of bed just to let us know that he is OK, but not last night. So, I don't know if he fell out of bed or just crawled down there in his sleep.
Yes, he still occassionally falls out of bed. Does anyone else have this problem? Maybe I should buy him a full size bed.
If Noah still falls out he doesn't tell me about it. He does have the full sized bed though. But this looks pretty intentional since he has his pillow and all. Don't you think?
That is to cute! Carson still falls out despite the fact that I have bed rails on both sides of his bed. We'll still occasionally find him at the foot of the bed on the floor(the only place left to fall out of). So, no doubt he would be on the floor every night without them.
Both our girls are wild sleepers...we have a bed rail up because of it. They end up sideways in the mornings!
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